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COURSE DESCRIPTION Supervision is a major aspect of managing and leading. There are certain roles and responsibilities and experiences that are highly unique to the role of supervision and highly critical to the success of the organization. Effective managers do not...



The average person will spend 40+ years of their life working which is roughly 2258 weeks! It is very important to understand and appreciate the role you play in building excellent work relationships. All relationships are built on a foundation, which includes the...

Why is Diversity Training so Important?

Why is Diversity Training so Important?

Diversity includes race, gender, religion disabilities and caste. Companies require workforce teams to grow their business, this can only be done if the team has a different attitude, employees need to understand that even though there are differences among them like...

Urgent help required! I am a school leaver and need a job!

Urgent help required! I am a school leaver and need a job!

Firstly, you need to ask yourself if you are ready for the workplace!  It is all good and well for you to think you can learn while on the job as you gain experience, we all have to start somewhere…right?  Wrong!  The workplace today has become so fast paced and with...

What is Human Resource Management?

What is Human Resource Management?

According to www.statssa.gov.za South Africa hosts over 1.5 million businesses, a large percentage of these will eventually require Human Resource Management or are already looking to fill such a position. What exactly is Human Resource Management? Human resource (HR)...

Defining a Skill Set for your Career

Defining a Skill Set for your Career

Based on research, we recommend a career skill set in professional services should consist of: 1. Digital Expertise Businesses generally take advantage of new technology and digital platforms that continue to arise, employees should be used to instant communication...

7 Tips for a Great Interview

7 Tips for a Great Interview

Remember, all interviews are not created equal. While there is no one way to say exactly how your interview will go, we've got some tips from top Human Resources personnel, to help you ace your interview and stand out as a top candidate.   1. Do Your Research The...

Is Tertiary Education important in South Africa?

Is Tertiary Education important in South Africa?

South Africa is a country that has recently emerged from apartheid and selective education and the inequality that resulted from that time is still present in many areas. If this inequality is ever to disappear, the provision of tertiary education to all South...

10 Tips For Revision

10 Tips For Revision

Exams and tests can be a stressful time for most students, but follow these fantastic stress-free tips for revising... and you might find yourself on top of your game!! Study in a quiet place away from the TV and computers etc that is both light and comfortable. Make...

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